Like many people, I love shopping. I mean, really love it. Whether I’m browsing the stallsat markets, exercising my credit card at airports, skimming through the on board shopping catalogue on the plane, flicking through the racks at stores or checking out the latest offers on my iPad, I simply love the process of shopping. […]
Public Cloud India | IPscape
Enterprise grade Public Cloud is still an emerging technology in India. Whilst the overall cloud market is accelerating – IDC reported that the Indian cloud market grew by 70 percent in 2012, and is expected to exhibit a 50 percent growth rate for the next three more years – there are still challenges to widespread adoption of […]
Welcome Internet Customers: Salesforce 1 World Tour
ipSCAPE is sponsoring Salesforce 1: World Tour. Themed ‘Welcome to the Internet of Customers’, we’d like to invite you to come along. Behind every app, every device, and every connection, is a customer. Billions of them. And each and every one is speeding toward the future. The Salesforce1 Customer Platform was designed to help […]
Cloud, First Call Resolution, Australia’s Growing Asian Demographic and 25,000 jobs offshored to the Philippines
Here’s something you don’t hear everyday: ANZ says increased call wait times will improve customer satisfaction. Earlier this month it was widely reported that ANZ Bank was changing the focus of its contact centre metrics from simple call answer time to first contact resolution. This subtle but important change is designed to help improve customer […]
The Coffice: How Cloud Supports Remote Workers
I was recently amused (and a little mystified) to read this article in the Guardian, written by futurologist Nicola Millard, discussing her prediction of a new type of business model: the coffice. For those luddites amongst you: that’s when someone works in a coffee shop rather than an office: hence ‘the coffice’. The closing line […]
Cloud: How it Helps to Keep the Wheels Turning
We all know when the snow starts falling in the UK, the wheels stop turning – from planes, trains to automobiles – the white precipitation falling from the sky wreaks absolute havoc on transportation systems. And the UK isn’t alone: here in Australia, we’re used to extreme weather interrupting daily routines. From cyclones and floods, […]