Gain Insights from Contact Centre Teams with IPscape

In modern day business, everything you do is measured in one way or another. We look at staff performance, we measure business growth and analyse workflow functions. How we look into these different business functions is constantly changing due to the introduction of new technology. However contact centre processes have barely changed in the past 30 years, why is this?
The traditional method to ensure that customer service agents maintained a high level of quality required an experienced manager to observe calls and provide regular feedback to the call centre agents or to listen in to random calls. This isn’t sustainable. The cut-throat nature of modern business means that everyone from an emerging start-up to an established company needs scalability in all functions, and it’s hard to scale when you have to hear everything that goes on.
This is a huge risk to businesses when you look at a contact centre. For many of your customers, the contact centre is the front line of your business and responsible for large parts of your reputation. It’s crucial that you are able to measure their effectiveness just as you would your sales team.
In addition to real-time monitoring to drive tactical decisions, analysing historical data can lead to strategic insights and new opportunities, but traditional contact centre reporting is designed to present the data, not lead you to a decision. Tools like Yellowfin’s Business Intelligence Software let you make data driven decisions quickly through rich visualisations, and make exploratory analysis easy and intuitive. This means that the vast amount of data collected by your contact centre over an extended period of time now tells a broader story on the skills and effectiveness of your contact centre, and the experience and expectations of your customers.
In today’s fast paced business landscape, you need to make better decisions faster to stay ahead of your competitors. By embedding Yellowfin Business Intelligence Software into your Cloud Contact Centre, ipSCAPE makes this easier than ever. Not only is monitoring easier, the insights discovered can readily help drive organisational strategy.
It’s all about capturing data in a smart way and using it to better the experience of your customers. With the increasing business focus on customer centricity and customer satisfaction, it’s more important than ever for your contact centre to not only demonstrate its value but also demonstrate its ability to improve.