Dynamic Business – Let’s talk: Networking


Networking provides opportunities for individuals to expand their career and business.  Eamon Ridgway, National Strategic Manager discusses the tactics ipSCAPE takes to improve networking results.

Networking is extremely important for any business that wishes to build brand awareness among businesses and foster future and current relationships. Through nurturing current clients, businesses are able to build familiarity and trust. Whereas with new business, networking is an integral component of the Sales process in identifying whether a business is a good ‘fit’.

As ipSCAPE primarily operates within the Contact Centre space which, traditionally has an average sales cycle of 5-7 years, can make it difficult to remain ‘top of mind’. Hosting and/or attending networking functions, allows us to connect with our prospects, partners and clients whilst providing the right occasion for discussions around internal priorities and assessing whether there is further opportunity to work together.

Read the full article.

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