Dynamic Business – Let’s Talk: Success Secrets

Success looks different for each business. Every industry and business model have their own success stories. Joao Mello, Head of Technology explains ipSCAPE’s success story.   

Success is something all companies continuously strive to achieve and in the fast-paced world of technology how to achieve it depends on your goals. As an Australian technology company that powers the contact centres and customer experiences of companies around the world – I would attribute our success to having a strong product-market fit, a clear vision for the company and the right team to execute. 

Our product-market-fit was strengthened by COVID-19 which made remote working a requirement for contact centres. As a cloud solution, ipSCAPE was able to quickly help customers work from home to ensure business continuity.  

Our purpose is to help businesses and government organisations, create exceptional customer experiences. We succeed in this vision because of our strong local team who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

Read the full article.

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