COVID-Safe Contact Centre | IPscape
Workplaces across the world have needed to adjust their policies and processes to ensure they create a COVID–safe environment for employees. The Australian government has provided guidelines for businesses to ensure they are reducing the risk of transmission including: Implementing COVID safety plans Practicing physical distancing Maintaining ratios of one person per 4 square metres Encouraging the use of face masks […]
Solve Voice Channel Customer Problems with IPscape
When children are told something they don’t want to hear, their instinctive reaction is to cover their ears and drown out the words with “la la la”. Although this may seem comical, this is what many organisations are doing with their customer service. Currently, communication channels such as Voice are popular as they feel similar […]
Dynamic Business – Let’s talk: Keeping the culture
“COVID-19 has reminded us all about the importance of culture and employee well-being. ” Alison Lee, Head of Marketing at ipSCAPE provides her tips and thoughts on the importance of culture. Culture is important and at ipSCAPE, ours is based on Accountability and Innovation which is achieved through clear communication and an alignment of vision […]
Dynamic Business – Let’s Talk: Social media and how best to use it
Social media has become one of the most influential marketing strategies for businesses in recent years. Alison Lee, Head of Marketing at ipSCAPE provides insights into the best uses for social media. Social media enables businesses to connect with their customers. With many organisations adopting different platforms, it is imperative to understand why you are […]