Why I Chose IPscape: A Commitment to Genuine Customer Connection

The first realisation I had after joining ipSCAPE was that this is a company that actually cares for its customers. In the harsh, unfeeling automation of the software industry and digital world, ipSCAPE was immediately noticeable in their customer-focused approach – not only in the way they interact with their own customers, but in the way they empower these client businesses to better serve their customers.

As a customer experience specialist, and having worked in the contact centre arena in Operations and Sales, I was naturally enthused about working in a software company that actually cares for its customers. Too many companies have traded personalised customer engagement for the efficiency of automation and distance, and it was honestly refreshing (and just a little comforting) to know that there was a company out there helping to change that; bringing back some of that old-fashioned, genuine customer connection without compromising efficiency.

Working in a company where the motto “Their Success is Our Success” is used to guide business decisions, and innovation is one of the core values, it is impossible not to get caught up in the buzz of changing the way the world interacts. It is this commitment to genuine customer care, as well as the constant push for innovation that now drives me in my position of Customer Success Manager. My role encompasses far more than the old Account Management structure. Instead, I am responsible for actively managing and designing customer success. This includes writing our Customer Experience Map, which includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Being truly innovative we’re not blind to our faults – instead, we use each and every experience to ensure that it doesn’t matter what happens, it’s how we respond that matters. On top of this, I also am part of the team building another World Class Customer Care Operations Centre.

Part of being with ipSCAPE is learning that excellence is an attitude, and that innovation is a mindset that can become a habit. Just one look at our software will tell you this – the latest release of our software, Freshwater, contained over 23 new features, all created to fulfill direct requests from our customers. We are a company that listens, and then implements actions that go above and beyond. That is what sets us apart from other software companies, and from other companies in general. We are dedicated to genuine customer connection, and ensuring our clients discover the importance of this connection for their own businesses.

We measure our success by how we can help others succeed. We measure our software by the impact it has on our clients’ ability to connect with and retain customers. We measure our connections by the connections we encourage in others.


Because connections are more than just numbers. Our customer success stories show more than just how our software helps them achieve their KPI’s, and increase CSAT. They ultimately show how ipSCAPE truly lends to the greatest end customer experience ever.

I believe that ipSCAPE, in our own small way, is making the world a more connected place, one customer care solution at a time. And that belief is what makes me excited to go to work each morning.

Donna Moore


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