The first realisation I had after joining ipSCAPE was that this is a company that actually cares for its customers. In the harsh, unfeeling automation of the software industry and digital world, ipSCAPE was immediately noticeable in their customer-focused approach – not only in the way they interact with their own customers, but in the […]
How NBN Will Change the Way We Work
During the coming years the next corporate high-flyer is just as likely to be found in suburban Sydney, as they are on Wall Street. Australia’s move to a faster national broadband service is helping to create the so-called Silicon Suburbs, geographically-diverse businesses whose operations are predominantly run out of homes or even regional and remote […]
Olympic Opportunity for Brazilian Businesses by IPscape
The upcoming Olympics in Rio might have been a little slow off the starting blocks but it could trigger a surge in overnight sales for online Australian retailers. Millions of Australians are expected to brave the late night and early morning starts, many of whom will also be keeping one eye on the television and […]
The importance of Business Scalability | IPscape
Are you sick of being told that the modern business environment is turbulent? This doesn’t make running a business easy, so having a business plan with resources that can scale up and down is crucial to success, no matter what your size. The ability to scale quickly is being driven by a number of factors, […]